Normostrana byla stanovena kvůli sjednocení množství textu, za který se platí překladatelům, novinářům, spisovatelům a jiným literárně činným osobám. Jako normostrana bylo stanoveno 1800 znaků. Do tohoto množství jsou započítány i „bílé“ znaky, tedy mezery. Myšlenka, že stačí napráskat 1800 mezer a skásnout prachy by ovšem byla zcela pošetilá. Jedna normostrana odpovídá přibližně jedné stránce textu ve standardní knize.
Podle počtu normostran si můžete udělat dobrou představu o náročnosti překladu a času, který vám zabere. Záleží samozřejmě na tom, kolik normostran jste schopni denně zvládnout.
Jak vypadá normostrana? Kolik je to vlastně textu v jednom bloku? Takhle:
The [Root.GetName] has located the source of the movement in the upper atmosphere of [From.GetName]. Surprisingly, there was no ship hidden in the clouds, but rather a docile alien lifeform. Despite its impressive size, the creature, which the [From.GetName] crew have dubbed a Space Amoeba, appears to be a juvenile.\n\nThere is no way of knowing how this juvenile was separated from its others of its kind, but one thing is certain: it appears to have imprinted on the [Root.GetName]. As the crew completed their survey of [From.GetName], it found that the creature was following them. It has proven difficult to shake, and [Root.GetLeaderName] has taken quite a shine to the juvenile’s determination.\n\nOur Science Officer suggests allowing the juvenile to follow the vessel, certain we may learn more about the species in the process.
The station in orbit of [From.GetName] was once a massive particle accelerator orders of magnitude beyond the capabilities of our own, where an alien nation studied the very nature of the universe. Its records reveal the aliens came to believe our universe existed in a false vacuum bubble – an inherently unstable energy state that could collapse into true vacuum at any time. If ever an instance of true vacuum came into existence, it would catalyze the conversion of the entire universe into its lowest energy state at the speed of light, destroying everything in existence at an observable – but inescapable – rate.\n\nThe station logs indicate the aliens deduced this process could be triggered by extremely high energy concentrations – just like the ones in their massive particle accelerator. They decided to forsake this technology, retreating into simple lives made possible by the bounties of [From.GetName]. Over time, they became the primitive species now found on the planet’s surface.
Jsou to pouhé dva řádky ze Stellaris – DCL Distant Stars. Vynásobte to 1 356 x a jste zhruba na Stellaris verze 2.1.1. Nejdřív to ovšem musíte přeložit…
Jen pro zajímavost: kompletní Harry Potter obsahuje 3 680 normostran. Takhle to vypadá: